Sunday, October 18, 2009

another jazzy bro...

Hey, Jill speaking... I guess just have an eye for the Jazzy Bro's but seriously... check it out!

I'm not going to lie, this one was all thanks to my baby sis Anne. We were driving past SUU and there he was! A gem in the eyes of a Jazzy lover for sure! What with the denim jacket, skinny jeans, white kicks, and to top it all off with a plether backpack that was meant for a 4-year-old. Mr. Denim with the fro, you're my new favorite Jazzy Bro!! xoxo

So here's an ode to pure denim outfits..and to Jazzy bros!


  1. I cannot be silent any longer-because I've seen some wicked jazzies at my employment place also. I need to get brave and use my camera phone more often-because you'd have a good laugh too:) Thanks for the great pictures...

  2. Please please send me some pics!! We love Jazzy hoes!
