Monday, November 2, 2009


Sometimes it pains me to tell people i grew up in the city of sin... and this can attribute to why...
Alright. if it wasnt bad enough that she is living fresh prince of bel air status, 90's style with her jean overalls (im guessing she did the thuggish ruggish thing too and had one side done up and one side undone) it pained me to gaze at the baby blue top with her nastyness baby blue bra sticking out. I gave her props for having a matching bra. This told me she was aware she could not get control of her cleavage and she tried to mesh the shirt and brazzire together... but in all honesty... get control. and burn the overalls.
Sidenote: the broad sitting across from her was wearing matching jean overalls. my inital thought: maybe they just went to wallmart and had photos taken together. gag
So here is an ode to you, The Olive Garden breadsteak lovin hoe.

1 comment:

  1. i was wondering when you were going to post this jazzy one (baby)!
